The "people" want news that reaffirms their lives are less screwed up than someone more famous than them. That is not news, it's therapy of a very bad sort.
I have personally constrained my news sources to The Daily Show and the Colbert Report. If I am going to get skewed news I may as well laugh at the delivery.
Welcome to (at least) one cool thing. I started this blog
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I say give the people what they want. News organizations are simply more in touch with the people.
ps I guess I'm in the 4% minority here.
The "people" want news that reaffirms their lives are less screwed up than someone more famous than them. That is not news, it's therapy of a very bad sort.
I have personally constrained my news sources to The Daily Show and the Colbert Report. If I am going to get skewed news I may as well laugh at the delivery.
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