Monday, March 05, 2007

san francisco as seen by thomas hawk

Lost As the Sky is High, Part 2Lost As the Sky is High, Part 2 Hosted on Zooomr

Thomas Hawk takes amazing pictures. I linked to his 8,000 photograph collection on flickr when I discussed One Bush Street, but after reading his blog more regularly and exploring his 11,500 photos on zoomr I have really begun to appreciate his eye for composition and overall talent. Here are a few of my favorites of San Francisco, and I encourage you to explore his work.

Golden Gate Bridge at Dusk, Dedicated to My Good Friend Robert ScobleGolden Gate Bridge at Dusk Hosted on Zooomr

Countles Visions of the Other She'd ReflectCountles Visions of the Other She'd Reflect Hosted on Zooomr

Just the Place I'm Looking ForJust the Place I'm Looking For Hosted on Zooomr

ImposingImposing Hosted on Zooomr