I grew up reading
The New Yorker because my Mom and Dad read The New Yorker. In grade school the cartoons started to interest me. In high school I read select features. (The non-fiction pieces were really long in William Shawn's day). By college I became a fan of the Talk of the Town, and in grad school I desired to read each issue almost cover to cover. (I still skip the play reviews and the poetry.)
Schedule permitting, I read most issues, most of the time. However, I've been reluctant to part with older magazines just in case I missed something. Now I can do some spring cleaning since one of the coolest Christmas presents I received was The Complete New Yorker. All 4,109 issues published 1925-1995.
The Complete New Yorker is a 6 DVD set. I spent some more time using it today and I am impressed. Unfortunately, the contents of the DVDs can't be copied to your hard drive (silly, since that does not provide any piracy protection) and they are not full-text searchable (one day I'll discuss the legal reasons for this).

But, the articles I remember and the many more I was too young to ever have read are searchable by author, subject and abstract. Additionally, each issue is presented exactly as it was published and can be browsed as the magazine would have been.
$61 shipped
The Complete New Yorker is an incredible deal, an essential addition to your library, and a slam-dunk for my cool thing of the day.
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